Rádio GrooveWave (Hot Groove)

Now playing
Disco 4 One (Yam Who? Meltdown Mix)
Birdee - Disco 4 One (Yam Who? Meltdown Mix)
Superfly (Dr Packer Vocal Mix)
Soul Scout - Superfly (Dr Packer Vocal Mix)
The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)
The Bucketheads - The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)
Rise (Dub Mix)
Deep Influence - Rise (Dub Mix)
Good Love
Richard Earnshaw - Good Love
Address : Rua Major João Alvarino da Silva, 884, Jardim Caparroz São José do Rio Preto, CEP:15050-380
Email: groovewave@groovewave.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/groovewave