Lutheran Public Radio

Lutheran Public Radio United States
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Sacred Music 24/7

  • Slogan: Sacred Music for the World
Now playing
Christe Redemptor
The Monks of the Abbey of En Calcat/The Monks of the Abby of Ligugé/The Monks of the Abbey of Citeaux/The Holy Spirit Fathers (Chevilly)/The Gregorian Schola of the University of Strasbourg - Christe Redemptor
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
St Edmundsbury Cathedral Choir - Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
Gr. 8
Concordia Publishing House - Gr. 8
Now the Silence
Donald Busarow - Now the Silence
Hymn: Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Choir of St. Thomas Fifth Avenue - Hymn: Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Address : Lutheran Public Radio P.O. Box 353 Collinsville, IL 62234 +1 618-223-8385