Playlist Calm Radio - Jazz Guitar
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 2)
Kenny Burrell
- Stolen Moments (CD2)
Jim Hall Trio
- Jazz Guitar
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Wes Montgomery
- Here's to Django
Tal Farlow
- Chromatic Palette
Wes Montgomery
- Boss Guitar
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Charlie Byrd
- Brazilian Byrd
Kenny Burrell
- Soul Call
Joe Pass
- Meditation: Solo Guitar
Wes Montgomery
- Movin' Wes
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Wes Montgomery
- Boss Guitar
Tal Farlow
- Tal Farlow '78
Joe & John Pisano Pass
- Duets
Wes Montgomery
- Jazz Masters 14
Joe Pass
- Intercontinental
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Joe Pass
- My Song
Kenny Burrell
- Togethering
Wes Montgomery
- Movin' Wes
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Barney Kessel
- Solo
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Yorgui Loeffler
- Bouncin' Around
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 2)
Baden Powell
- Tristeza On Guitar
Jim Hall Trio
- Jazz Guitar
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Joe & John Pisano Pass
- Duets
Wes Montgomery
- Fingerpickin'
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD4
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 10)
Joe Pass
- Intercontinental
Joe & John Pisano Pass
- Duets
Gene Bertoncini
- Body and Soul
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Yorgui Loeffler
- Bouncin' Around
Joe Pass
- Intercontinental
Gene Bertoncini
- Body and Soul
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 10)
Tal Farlow
- This Is Tal Farlow
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 2)
Joe & John Pisano Pass
- Duets
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Wes Montgomery
- Jazz Masters 14
Pedro Tagliani
- Ao Vento
Baden Powell
- Tristeza On Guitar
Kenny Burrell
- The Artist Selects
Joe Pass
- I Remember Charlie Parker
Tal Farlow
- The Return of Tal Farlow
Wes Montgomery Trio
- Guitar On The Go
Barney Kessel
- Solo
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Wes Montgomery
- Beginnings
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Barney Kessel
- To Swing or Not to Swing
Joe Pass
- Live
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Kenny Burrell
- Stolen Moments (CD2)
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Tal Farlow
- This Is Tal Farlow
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Wes Montgomery
- Talkin' Verve
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Gene Bertoncini
- Body and Soul
Joe Pass
- Intercontinental
Kenny Burrell
- Tender Gender
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Barney Kessel
- To Swing or Not to Swing
Tal Farlow
- Jazz Masters 41
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 11)
Kenny Burrell
- Stolen Moments (CD2)
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD3
Joe Pass
- All Too Soon: The Duke Ellington Album
Joe & John Pisano Pass
- Duets
Joe Pass
- Appassionato
Barney Kessel
- Kessel Plays Standards
Tal Farlow
- Autumn In New York
Baden Powell
- Tristeza On Guitar
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD2
Wes Montgomery
- Jazz Masters 14
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Joe Pass
- For Django
Barney Kessel
- Kessel Plays Standards
Wes Montgomery
- Movin' Wes
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Joe Pass
- Joe Pass & Paulinho da Costa
Jim Hall & Pat Metheny
- Jim Hall & Pat Metheny
Wes Montgomery
- Movin' Wes
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Tal Farlow
- Cookin' On All Burners
Wes Montgomery
- California Dreaming
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Joe Pass
- Les Incontournables
Wes Montgomery
- Talkin' Verve
Jim Hall
- Concierto
Phil Woods, Irio De Paula
- Encontro (On Jobim) [The Clarinet Album]
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 10)
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Joe Pass
- Joe Pass & Paulinho da Costa
Kenny Burrell
- Togethering
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Kenny Burrell
- Guitar Forms
Joe Pass
- Sounds of Synanon
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Kenny Burrell
- Ode to 52nd Street
Joe Pass
- All Too Soon: The Duke Ellington Album
Wes Montgomery
- Here's to Django
Gene Bertoncini
- Body and Soul
Wawau Adler
- Here's to Django
Joe Pass
- My Song
Kenny Burrell
- Stolen Moments (CD1)
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD4
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD4
Gene Bertoncini
- Quiet Now
Jim Hall Trio
- Jazz Guitar
Kenny Burrell
- At the Five Spot Cafe (Vol.1)
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD4
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Wes Montgomery
- Bumpin'
Barney Kessel
- Solo
Tal Farlow
- This Is Tal Farlow
Joe Pass
- Joe Pass & Paulinho da Costa
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Wes Montgomery
- Road Song
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Pedro Tagliani
- Ao Vento
Jim Hall Trio
- Jazz Guitar
Joe Pass
- Summer Nights
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Jim Hall Trio
- Jazz Guitar
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Barney Kessel
- Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD4
Joe Pass
- For Django
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Tal Farlow
- The Return Of Tal Farlow
Baden Powell
- Poema On Guitar
Gene Bertoncini
- Quiet Now
Laurindo Almeida & Baden Powell
- Brazil Guitar Magic
Kenny Burrell
- Soul Call
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 2)
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Wes Montgomery
- Beginnings
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Chet Atkins & Lenny Breau
- Standard Brands
Kenny Burrell
- Tender Gender
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 10)
Baden Powell
- Serenata Brasileria
Barney Kessel
- Kessel Plays Standards
Joe Pass
- All Too Soon: The Duke Ellington Album
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Tal Farlow
- Jazz Masters 41
Kenny Burrell
- Ode to 52nd Street
Baden Powell
- Serenata Brasileria
Tal Farlow
- Autumn in New York
Kenny Burrell
- Stolen Moments (CD1)
Joe Pass
- Joe Pass & Paulinho da Costa
Joe Pass
- I Remember Charlie Parker
Barney Kessel
- Kessel Plays Standards
Charlie Byrd
- Brazilian Byrd
Wes Montgomery
- The Complete Riverside Recordings (Disc 2)
Joe Pass
- Joe Pass & Paulinho da Costa
Kenny Burrell
- Bluesy Burrell
Tal Farlow
- Cookin' On All Burners
Joe Pass
- Guitar Virtuoso CD1
Wes Montgomery
- Movin' Wes
Kenny Burrell
- Guitar Forms