WDRBmedia provides high quality media services. Specializing in radio, videography/cinematography, photography, editing, graphic design, and visual effects all of which are used for commercial purposes. For double the information and inspiration through WDRBmedia.com, we provide education via talk show, and entertainment via music to stir the heart, body and soul. Bringing you the best Hits, R&B, Soul, & Old School. It is the goal of the ownership and management of WDRBmedia to not only offer music to inspire, but to also serve as a vehicle of information to educate the community. WDRBmedia is the largest privately held, African-American talk radio station in the entire east coast with over 75 radio personalities sharing information and inspiration as "The Voice Of The Community".
- Slogan: The Voice Of The Community -Double The Information & Inspiration
Address : | 877-342-7770 |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/WDRBmedia |