EL SR BIVACHI Argentine, Buenos Aires
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Highly entertaining and engaging programs makes El Sr Bivachi the definite online radio for their listeners to enjoy various kinds of music. The music that El Sr Bivachi plays are very good in taste and is always entertaining so that each and every listeners can enjoy their musical programs in full excitement.

  • Slogan: la major radio del mundo
Sur l'air
River The Joni Letters
Herbie Hancock - River The Joni Letters
The Legend Lives On
Chet Baker - The Legend Lives On
Romantic Warrior
Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior
Low in High School
Morrissey - Low in High School
16 K - Jee
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Email: bivachi@gmail.com
Téléphone: 0111553139098
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elsrbivachiradio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carlosbivachi