Kaakaki Radio

Kaakaki Radio Nigeria, Ibadan
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Kaakaki Radio is one of the fastest growing online radio in the world. Its founders believe that the people of Africa has long been brainwashed about their stories, their identities and their personalities. Kaakaki Radio however, aims to repaint the picture of Africa in its originality; to promote the cultural heritage of Africa Continent and to make the world a global village by supplying unbiased news in sports, science/technology, politics, economy and breaking news to the world populace With the best quality audio output.

  • Slogan: People's mouth piece
  • First Air Date: 2017
Now playing
Mr Music A
Saheed Osupa - Mr Music A
No One Knows
Asa - No One Knows
call my name
styl - call my name
Marriage Affairs
Saheed Osupa - Marriage Affairs
ELI (Audio)
Fireboy DML - ELI (Audio)
Address : Ladokun Building, New Garage Ibadan, Oyo Staye
Email: kaakakiradio@afrikanamedia.com
Phone: +234 806 482 2490
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaakakiradio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaakakiradio