Frecuencia Online Radio

Frecuencia Online Radio Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
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Heavy Metal and Hard Rock 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Ready to rock the dance floor with the rythm of some of the best programs and musical tunes of metal music than this is the place where you should be.

  • Slogan: La radio del Metal... y del Hard Rock.
Играет сейчас
The Ramones - Ramones
Running Away from Love [1awj]
Voodoo Circle - Running Away from Love [1awj]
The Dark Unbroken [1awJ]
Dark Tranquillity - The Dark Unbroken [1awJ]
The Hellion / Electric Eye [1av4]
Judas Priest - The Hellion / Electric Eye [1av4]
The Heat of Emotion [1awQ]
Fair Warning - The Heat of Emotion [1awQ]
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