Lindin FM

Lindin FM 101.0 FM Faroe Islands, Tórshavn
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Lindin is a christian radio station which is not related to a certain church. It consists of 5 committee members from different churches. 

The main purpose of setting up this radio station is simply the following: To make our nation be more aware of the supremacy of Jesus Christ; His power of saving and setting people free for the glory of His Name. To create an atmosphere of proclaiming the message about the love of God through Christian music and teaching based on the Bible.

  • Frequency: 101.0 FM
  • Slogan: Kristiligt kringvarp
  • First Air Date: 21 January 2000
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Endereço : Lindin,Bøkjarabrekka 9, Postboks 2063, FO-165 Argir 321377
Telefone: +298 321377