CT das radio

CT das radio 90.0 FM Germany, Bochum
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Wir sind das Campusradio der Bochumer Hochschulen.

  • Frequency: 90.0 FM
  • Slogan: das hörst du!
Now playing
And She Came Home
James Heather - And She Came Home
This Pretty Light
Snow Sky & Pines - This Pretty Light
The Explanatory Gap
EXEC - The Explanatory Gap
The Grosser
Fettes Brot - The Grosser
besser so
risco - besser so
Address : CT das radio ‎Universitätsstraße 150 44801 Bochum +49-234-32 10 900
Email: info@ctdasradio.de
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CTdasradio