Radio Al Bayane
La radio qui diffuse dans un langage islamique. Elle propose des informations et des talk-show, des émissions de religions, de société, de culture et de sports.
- Frequency: 95.7 FM
- Slogan: La voix de L'Islam éternel pour l'éternité
- First Air Date: 11 novembre 2001
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dao ben
salamulikum imam i got some problem in the religion and etc... because of the miss conception of affairs contact 0022509842636 and 0022548066885.
October 7, 2021 at 10:59 am

dao ben
salamulikum when i was doing reseaching i realise that allah was a creation because he said decended when referd to the imam in perison in themsside thier were under the supervision imam abid then when we comfrimed it in africa he said he was a jinn and when we confrimed it in madina collage he said that he was a car using the verse he has masjisty in the english translation and when we did the ruqqayh sharia he said that it was the muathaztian that can heal you then we comfrined it again and then said imam of the highdown prison supervised by imam of highdown and then he said the was juses and then he said he was money and we soor him coming out as a white man this was seen by the people of brixton majid greasham raod and and then he was seen abusing chrildren lieing and tamdeed taleel and then it was confrim by abdul huq see him and this was confrimed according to quran sunnah and it was seen that he change the verse of quran by the sheik abu sauib bassam many more matter regarding islam alhul sunnah wal jamaat and etc... so i conculde by saying allah is wither he god or not his dangeruose and harmful and wrong. so may my hubble effort of mine maybe accepted.
October 6, 2021 at 16:34 pm

dao ben
salamulikum hello my name is habib ben lucenceny dao am a britishivorian citizen am writting to tell you that the way you need to understand the religion is that i need the help of the world and the help of that etc... so may the rigth stuaition happen in the affair. salam
October 6, 2021 at 12:47 pm
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