Radio UdeG Ciudad Guzmán

Radio UdeG Ciudad Guzmán 107.9 FM Mexico, Ocotlán, Jalisco
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Radio Universidad de Guadalajara en Ciudad Guzmán

  • Frequency: 107.9 FM
  • Slogan: Tendiendo Puentes
Na antenie
Behind The Mirror
Leon Ayers - Behind The Mirror
Emerald rainforest
Christian Petermann - Emerald rainforest
Igor Pumphonia
Igor Pumphonia - Igor Pumphonia
Smooth Moves
Claudio Spiewak - Smooth Moves
Old farm on the banks of the Bug
Serge Kulay - Old farm on the banks of the Bug
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Adres : Ignacio Jacobo No 29. Col. Parque Industrial Belenes. C.P. 45150. Zapopan, Jalisco, México. 01 800 633 81 00