Ontop Radio

Ontop Radio United Kingdom
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Ontopfm.net is the World's most recognized source of New & Exclusive Hip Hop and R&B, Dancehall, Bashment, Funky & Souful House & Garage, Rare Grooves & Soul, Soca, Gospel, Neo Soul, Afro beat and of course we have the oldschool additions to all these shows.. “Make sure you lock in and lock on to hear it all here first music, exclusive interviews and industry leading live events – all via ontopfm.net

  • Slogan: UK's Number One Multi-Award Winning Radio Station. Streaming 24/
Na antenie
I Want Her
Keith Sweat - I Want Her
Shoulda Known Betta
Case, Ghostface - Shoulda Known Betta
Big 'n Bashy
Fallacy, Tubby T - Big 'n Bashy
Another Day in Paradise
Brandy, Ray J - Another Day in Paradise
Let's Get Married (feat. Run)
Jagged Edge, RUN, Lamarquis Jefferson - Let's Get Married (feat. Run)
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